A Few Interesting Exhibitors at GABF

Hop Candy
A Beer in the Hand is Worth Two of AnythingOne of the universe's most lingering mysteries involves two of my favorite ingredients. What do you get if you combine chocolate and hops? Now we know: you get Hopolates!
I have no earthly idea what these candies will taste like, but I hope to learn at GABF. Hop Candy Inc. well be selling their hop-infused chocolates at booth 123.
Unfortunately, Hop Candy's Website seems to be having a few issues, but you can find a review of the Hopolates here.
33 Beers
33 Beers may sound like a competitor to 37 Signals, but the 33 Beers apps run on paper instead of Ruby on Rails. Sorry, nerd humor.
Judging from their website, these guys make nice looking beer journals. The Moleskine of the beer world, perhaps. Each page has space for beer hipsters to record the vital statistics for a beer, including a cool flavor-profile wheel to rapidly record your impressions of the flavor.
I joke, 33 Beers won't turn you into a hipster. I hope. With more than 2,000 beers to try at GABF, taking notes is the only way to keep track of what you like. I expect to see many beer heads filling these out as they wander the floor of GABF.
Extra points to anyone who profiles the Hopolates in their 33 Beers.
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