Beer and Food Pavilion at GABF

Have you peeked at the Great American Beer Festival's Beer and Food Pavilion Schedule yet? Holy mole sauce Batman, I want to go to all of the sessions!
Chef Teddy Folkman will be back to put on another awesome show (see photo on left). Last year's pairings were wonderful. I expect this to be packed.
Sam Calagione will probably fill the house with his pairings of exotic-wood aged beer and food. Exotic woods? That's news to me. Wow.
Hosea Rosenberg and Adam Avery will pair street foods with Avery beer. Street foods? Sign me up!
The other sessions look great too. Don't miss the other shows just because I didn't mention them here.
Some hints on the Beer and Food Pavilion:
- Get there early. Be in a seat at ten minutes before the start at the earliest. The seats fill early.
- Sit near the table off to the side of the stage. You'll probably get served first.
- Sit in a chair. Folks who stand often get served last, and only if there is beer and food left.
- Hang around after the show. The speakers are often available to chat for a few minutes after each show.
- If your plate or glass is empty, you might get seconds. Cool!
- Bring your own fork and napkins just in case. Supplies can run out and things can get messy.
- These sessions are awesome, go to at least one even if pairings aren't your thing.
There are nine different shows over the three days, and they all look delicious to me. Be sure to look at the schedule and let me know which you'll attend.
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