Great American Beer Fest Pro-Tips

First, read PJ Hoberman's Surviving GABF.
- Water. You'll find water coolers spread around the floor of GABF. Get a glass of water every time you see a hydration station. You'll feel much better at last call.
- Glass holsters. For most sessions, you'll get an "unbreakable" plastic tasting glass for your beer. The first time a glass rattles on the floor, prepare for the entire conference hall to react. Embarrassing! You'll find various booths offering necklaces for safe glass storage.
- Alka-seltzer. Bring your favorite hang-over cure for the next morning. I like a little plop! plop! fizz! fizz!
- Maps. You can download the GABF map early. Print it out and mark the breweries you want to visit. Make tracks to your favorite booth as soon as you get in the door.
- Eat! Visit the food vendors, or bring a snack necklace. Eating helps with hangovers, and can help you stay hydrated.
- Participate in the other activities. Tasting beer isn't the only fun thing to do at GABF.
- GABF is short and there are too many beers. Focus on beer that you haven't tried before, and beer that isn't available where you live. If you focus on your favorite beers, you'll miss discovering new stuff.
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