The Beer Blotter Plans for GABF

The's Beer Blotter has posted part 1 of their suggestions for booths to visit at the Great American Beer Festival in Denver. You should check out the Beer Blotter's list and reasons, but here are ones that overlap with my own list:
- Dry Dock Brewing - I really enjoyed their vanilla porter last year. A well balanced beer, especially since vanilla usually means "too sweet" in my vocabulary. Yum.
- Pizza Port - The several different locations were buried under medals at GABF 2009. Don't let the name fool you.
- The Bruery - I ran into these brewers at the Cheeky Monk last year, where they generously poured us lots of delicious Autumn Maple. Fun crowd!
- Cigar City Brewing - I'm not sure I've ever tried this beer, but I grew up in Tampa. Cigar City is a reference to Tampa's historical Ybor City, where Cuban, Italian and other immigrants used to hand-make cigars in the late 19th / early 20th century. I've got to check out beer from the old neighborhood.
I wish I knew the Beer Blotter's name to give him or her proper credit, but I couldn't find it under SeattlePI's blizzard of ads. I look forward to reading the next installment.
The Beer Blotter is better found at and @BeerBlotter. Also, the next installment is already online!
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