Beer Blogger Conference App

I'll be visiting Boulder Colorado with a crew of about 100 other rowdy bloggers for the Beer Bloggers Conference this coming weekend.
I expect there to be lots of twitter traffic for this event, so you'll want to keep your eye on the official conference #BBC10 twitter hash tag. To help you with this, the Moving Average software department create a free Android App for you: #BBC10 (note this link only works on android phones). You can find it by searching for BBC10 in the Android Market app.
I think it will become more and more common for medium-to-large events to have custom phone apps available for them. My hope is that this app encourages social behavior on twitter related to the Beer Bloggers Conference. Note that you don't need to understand twitter or have a twitter account to use this app. Anyone can download the app, use it to watch the conversations, and hopefully want to get involved.
The app is totally unofficial, the Beer Blogger Conference had nothing to do with it. It's my fault if you don't like it. If you do like it, that's my fault too. Let me know.
How does the app work? It monitors a twitter search following the #BBC10 hash tag. The app Periodically checks for updates. If it finds one, it'll let you know. You can scroll through the list of tweets. If you touch a tweet, you can follow any links and also reply or retweet using your favorite twitter app with a click of a button.
Let me know what you think!
P.S.: Need an Android app like this for your conference or event? Let me know and maybe I can sneak you into the beta program. Need an iPhone app? In the future, yes. For this conference it's probably too late.

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