Uchiko Media Event

Warning: Sometimes I attend events that feature food but not beer. Feel free to skip this one if you're into beer but not food.
I had the incredibly good fortune of being invited to a media mixer at Uchiko this September. Uchiko is one of the closest things in Austin to a completely imagineered experience. Yes, I'm comparing Uchiko to Disney. And yes, I consider this a good thing.
Like Disney's best attractions, Uchiko lives in a universe with its own rules. As a visitor, you never touch and rarely even see plastic. The menus are paper and cardboard. The check arrives in a cardboard folio.
The walls are decorated with unfamiliar objects and curious antiques. The food is prepared with what might be new flavor combinations and unusual ingredients. The furniture has the weight of careful craftsmanship.
I want to talk more about the Uchiko experience, but for now check out my video from the event:
Finally, you can find my photos from that night here.
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