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    Crafting Beer with (512) Brewing Company
    by John M. P. Knox

    "Definitely worth adding to your collection – it’s as good a visual record of the brewing process as I’ve ever seen." -Dave of

Entries in New Orleans (2)


Two Worlds on the Mississippi

Most folks know New Orleans for the cocktails, rich food, partying, and history. But there are interesting things in the city that get less attention. All that fun happens just a short walk from the fourth longest river in the world, a beautiful place that feels continents away.

Storm on the Mississippi

Storms regularly roll off the Gulf of Mexico. The ferries and cargo ships keep moving, even as the rest of the city heads for shelter.


Local lore has it that even the strongest swimmers would drown in the Mississippi. They say that the unpredictable currents pull swimmers under as easily as a giant squid. If you're observant, the occasional strange wave pattern reminds you of the forces moving more than 200,000 cubic feet of water per second into the Gulf of Mexico. 

Turbulent Waters

I enjoy the peaceful ride on the ferry from Algiers Point. It's a magic place between banks where there is nothing to do but enjoy the river and get some relief from the stagnant air on the street.

New Orleans Ferry

There are many abandoned buildings in New Orleans. None are quite as large or prominent as The World Trade Center building. It lies dormant and crumbling on the bank of the Mississippi, just a few steps away from the Algiers ferry. If you peer through the glass doors, you can see how the lobby has probably looked for the past fifteen years.

Every so often, a plan is made to either demolish the building, or to renovate it for new business. So far they've all fallen through. It's a shame, because it's a unique building. I bet the view from the top floor is amazing.

World Trade Center Building

A tug pushes upstream as the sun sets behind St. Louis Cathedral. From the river, it can be difficult to remember all the tourists who fill the city. 

Tug on the Mississippi at Dusk


The Lovely Details of New Orleans

Every city has a little something that sets it apart from other cities. One city might sidewalks everywhere and funny-looking traffic lights. Another city might have buildings with lots of brick and wood accents. New Orleans has a lot of little somethings that make it different.

I love these tiles which mark the street names on the sidewalks of New Orleans. The idea comes from another era; these days, at best, a city might paint the name on the sidewalk, or impress it in the wet concrete.

St Louis

Tiles? What if they crack, or get stolen? Practicality and fear often wins over charming and beautiful. New Orleans isn't afraid of a little impracticality for the sake of loveliness.

I also relish the design that went into the tiles. Look at that wonderful yellow outline. Look at how the width of the space and the 'I' are smaller so that the word lays out as if it were in a magazine. Lovely.

I wonder how many people have treaded over these markers without appreciating their beauty and uniqueness. You can read a bit about the tiles from the current manufacturer.

My New Camera

Since mid December, I've added a new camera to my aresenal. You can read my review and impressions of the Sony NEX-6 on Engineering Adventure. The above photo, and my photos from Journey to the Beast's Castle were taken using it. Let me know what you think!