We Won the 2011 Wine Ride!

Wow! I never suspected when I started Hop Safari that I might win an award for my photography and videography of a wine event, but I just did. My team, Team Mark, won the blogger aspect of the 2011 Wine Ride for coverage of Sommelier Mark Sayre of TRIO Restaurant at the Four Seasons Hotel.
Our all-star team consisted of team blogger Jennie Chen of MisoHungry, and team Facilitweeter Rachelle King of Blinded by the Bite. I was the team photographer and videographer. And of course, we can't forget that Mark was on our team too. We wouldn't have much content without his contribution as team somm, video host, reference librarian, and photographic model.
Finally, congratulations to Sommelier June Rodil of Congress Austin, who won a seat at Somms Under Fire. I'm looking forward to learning even more about wine in that event.
You can read all the details of the contest in the Keeper Collection 2011 Wine Ride announcement, and you can get more of my perspective in Wine Ride: The Race Behind the Race.

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